Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Networker Command

Delete Volumes Command:

  nsrmm -v -d VolumeName
using Excel I sort them out by Volumes IDs then paste the script , a piece of cake.
=CONCATENATE("echo YES | nsrmm -v -d ",C2)


Debugging auto-changer operations

print type: NSR jukebox
update debug trace level: 9
 Load without mount:
 nsrjb -l -f /dev/rmt/9cbn -S KR130
Restart Networker Srvices:
/etc/init.d/networker start      -- or / stop
/etc/init.d/gst start


On any NMM client:
To query :
nsrnap_vss_save -v -?
& then
vssadmin list writer

to change the NSR logs to redable format: from command :
nsr_render_log  nmm.raw > nmm0604.txt


List the aborted savesets:
mminfo -q "ssid=Aborted_Saveset_ID" -r "volume,ssid,cloneid"
Deleted the aborted Savesets:
nsrmm -d -S ssid/cloneid
monitor the size of the volumes:
mminfo -m | grep –I VOLUMENAME


Backup Single Client in networker
savegrp -vvv -c ClientName GroupName


Display ‘nsrclone’ process listed in task manager window
ps –ef |grep nsr


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