Sunday, August 5, 2012

WSUS troubleshooting

1- Check computer location
-install adminpack to be able to run the below:

-query the active directory

C:\>dsquery computer -name 1f-gm-90016

this mean the computer location is in its correct OU, so it may recieves the updates.

if OK , then try:

2- Check which group policy applied on the respective OU.
if you got an error like that:
ignore Checkpoin N# 2 mark that computer for last review with (2)

3- Check the log file "locally" on computer.

if OK ,& computer is still not recieving udates  you "the file can tell or after you run the html command" you  may try:

4- Resetting the Windows updates "steps i nE-mail sent to sayed"
Reset WSUS Client
1.    run "net stop wuauserv"
2.    run "net stop bits"
3.    Clear the contents of C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
4.    Clear the contents of C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log
5.    run "net start wuauserv"
6.    run "net start bits"
7.    run "wuauclt /detectnow /resetauthorization"

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